What is Decolonize All The Things?

DATT is a free Political Education & Critical Thinking Website

DATT is a labor of love composed of reading lists, critical essays, reading summaries (annotations), a glossary, learning tools & teaching tools on topics ranging from decolonial philosophy, Pan Africanism (Nkrumah-Touréism), sociology, anthropology, critical thinking skills, public education, popular culture, science, technology & society (STS), ethics & more.

As an educator & scientist, DATT is part of my goal to make knowledge accessible through actively communicating & doing anti-colonial science with the communities affected by issues of power. With DATT, I aim to provide a free platform for decolonial scholarship that provides people with political education & critical thinking resources for fostering empowerment & critical awareness outside of the repressive confines of exploitation, colonial norms & regimes of truth (propaganda). 

– Dr. Shay-Akil McLean, MA, MA, Ph.D.

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